The Gaze
Ruyi Ding
MA Fine Art, CSM
February, 2021

In this post-Internet and post-pandemic era, each of us is like an infant locked in a dark room. We are staring at the screen (mirror) in front of us all the time: it may be a TV that is broadcasting the BBC news of the Palestinian Israeli military conflict or the anti-humanitarian crimes in Xinjiang, a smart phone that randomly plays TikTok 10-second virus videos, or maybe it's a laptop that's remotely broadcasting a lecture on contemporary art. In short, our life is occupied by these screens, and the track of our life flows, consumes and effluxes among the screens. When you look at the mirror (screen) in front of you, who exactly are you looking at?
It's your turn
To make a choice

Thanks for watching
Ruyi Ding